Ticket Faeries

Even if you can't come to the Playa, it would be a huge help if you can buy tickets on speculation, so later in the planning process we can transfer them to people who deserve to come to Burning Man but couldn't get tickets for some reason.

We will be operating our own ticket exchange within camp to pair people with extra tickets with people who need tickets. We have never had a problem finding buyers for tickets.

To be a Ticket Faerie:

  • Register for camp and join pretty much like a normal camper;

    • On the registration form indicate 0% (or whatever) chance you will be attending burning man, and your reimbursement preferences;

  • And then Get Tickets in the usual way

  • You will be paired with a buyer at abut the time that the tickets ship in July.

  • Even if camp totally fails, all tickets are eligible for STEP

    • When Burning Man was canceled 2020, BMORG was able to refund all tickets