Camp Dues
We have some significant external donors and matching corporate funds. If you want to know more details, check out our 2022 Budget and Ledger, or past years at the bottom of the page.
The 2022 camp dues are $200, on a sliding scale.
This will be approximately $100 for camping expenses (Kitchen and food, shade, water, grey water, etc), and $100 in support of our art (sponsoring talent, stage, sound, dance floor, signs and storage for next year). The art support is intended to be tax deductible, the camping expenses are not.
In addition to dues, camp has other donations and matching funds that range from $200 to $400 per person, depending on the year. In 2022 we are running a relatively inexpensive camp and the non-dues contribution is expected to be approximately $200 per camper.
Extra sponsorship is always welcome!
This is officially a sliding scale: if the fees cause hardship they can be deferred or waived. Please inform of your intent. Note that many camp charges hit in the off season, so differed payments are also an option.
In past years a couple of people gifted extra tickets to camp. When requested we can issue tax receipts for donations.
* We are a 501(c)3, registered with Benvity and eligible for matching donations from many employers. See the donations page.
Venmo: @contraburners
You are welcome to use “friends and family” to save fees. Please put your name in the comment field if there is any chance that I won't recognize your account for some reason.
Checks: Please make checks out to: Contraburners, Inc
and mail:
c/o Matt Mathis
PO Box 390335
Mountain View, CA 94039-0335